Is a chronic condition that affects the airways. It causes wheezing and can make it hard to breathe. Some triggers include exercise, emotional stress, exposure to an allergen or irritant or other per-existing health issues which the patient may have could also cause a trigger as we have seen from hypertension and even flu.
Asthma causes the inside walls of the airways, or the bronchial tubes, to become swollen and inflamed. During an asthma attack, the airways will swell, the muscles around them will tighten, and it becomes difficult for air to move in and out of the lungs.
Around 7.9% of people in the United States had asthma in 2017 and about 3.1% of people in Nigeria has asthma.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
With asthma, the swelling is often triggered by something you’re allergic to, like pollen or mold, or by physical activity. COPD on the other hand is the name given to a group of lung diseases that include emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Emphysema happens when the tiny sacs in your lungs (called alveoli) are damaged.
Chronic bronchitis is when the tubes that carry air to your lungs (bronchial tubes) get inflamed. Smoking is the most common cause of those conditions (and COPD).
Asthma gets better if managed. Symptoms can come and go and you may be symptom-free for a long time. With COPD, symptoms are constant and get worse over time, even with treatment.
Many people with lung infections suffer from them from the day they were diagnosed until the end of their lives and these are for the following reasons’
1. Most of the medications available to the public simply do not work or where not designed to cure.
2. There are no professional help given to the patient as they proceed through with the program.
Our doctors at Ancient African Remedies has reinvestigated the above situations and have developed new natural approaches to naturally reversing these health conditions perfectly. Our new approaches to lung infections, COPD, Bronchitis and Asthma has led to countless cures both in Africa and overseas.
We understand that as natural formulas are very important to treatments and cures, so also are expert guidance during the program which is why we provide an online private medical group which is where we give 24/7 free personal advice and counselling during your COPD, Asthma or Bronchitis program so as to ensure you get cured.